He's basically a non action movie version of Michael Bay. His movies always feel empty on character while full on style. But taking that out of the equation, I still never thought he was a master filmmaker. Look, as a Batman fan, I'll never forgive or forget what Schumacher did to the franchise.never.

Why not cast him as the Phantom?!?!?! Blerg. What I don't understand is that if they were going to cast unknowns, why not get unknowns who fit the roles and could sing them? To make matters worse, Ramin Karimloo, who is arguably the best actor to ever play Phantom on Broadway, was cast as Christine's songless-father in the movie. She was 16 when they starting filming, Christine Daae is in her 20's in the novel. This girl is supposed to be a diamond in the rough and her voice doesn't really make us believe that.

While Rossum certainly could sing, her voice still sounded too small and underwhelming for Christine. Rossum was also unknown at the time, but unlike Butler, she actually had previous vocal training as a member of the Metropolitan Opera Children's Chorus.